Miss Mabrouk of Egypt

Check the archives too - a lot of good stuff to enjoy. Me myself? Off to new adventures in the blogosphere, if time permits.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Puh! I am Back

Piece of cake! No reason to panic folks. Whoever said ladies can't handle more technology than a hair-dryer? Lucky me I'm not one of them gals screaming for a strong man to help me when things get confusing. {smile}

So, what happened? (And at this point I'm desperately reloading this page in all three browsers for the 112th time to make sure the blogg (and my pix) looks fine). A bug in the profile, apparently. I pasted the link to my faq in the 'more about me' field. Kids, do not do this at home! Once I took it away my blogg immediately recovered. Not in Firefox though, although I have relaunched the program and is hitting the reload button intensively it is still a cached version (I assume) of the page that is displayed. Disappointing. My vote is still for IE6. And Blogger!