Miss Mabrouk of Egypt

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Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Condom Shortage in Uganda

Uganda’s men are short of condoms. Any healthy mind immediately connects this sudden lack of pleasant protectors with an extended period of country-wide hanky panky. How good for them! So well, guys, the party is over; blame yourself and leave the women alone.

The blame is not falling on the copulating Ugandans though, but on George W. Bush! According to the UN!

Here is the disaster: While Uganda needs between 120m and 150m condoms a year, only 32m have been distributed since last October.

Here is the alleged problem: A pledge by Bush in 2003 that $ 15 billion should fight Aids had moral strings attached. Apparently the equation didn’t work out in Uganda.

Then again, the claimed shortage might not be true. If we are to believe the minister of health who says there are still rubbers in the back-pockets, I guess they’re still humping.