Miss Mabrouk of Egypt

Check the archives too - a lot of good stuff to enjoy. Me myself? Off to new adventures in the blogosphere, if time permits.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Business Talk

Still touring the US, Egypt's PM Dr. Nazif entered Business Week’s nest and was due for a rough ride on the state of Egypt’s economy. Instead, the leading magazines’ editors took in his promotional spin without questioning his claims. Would they have treated a PM from a European or Latin American country with the same soft gloves? Of course not, their well-read readers would immediately have spotted the interviewers ignorance on the subject.

Perhaps it’s fair enough. The writers and their audience are getting acquainted with a new world, iced with something as exotic as a well spoken PM from far away Egypt. They will learn. Remember though that each time we’re put aside and treated differently, we’re also reduced to something of less importance.

Suzi, have you noticed, I’m really getting into politics!