Miss Mabrouk of Egypt

Check the archives too - a lot of good stuff to enjoy. Me myself? Off to new adventures in the blogosphere, if time permits.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Earning Brownie Points With the US

This piece only caught my attention because of the last part of this quote:
"His tough stance against Islamists following a wave of terror attacks in the mid-nineties and his choice to continue his predecessor's policy of peace with Israel have earned him brownie points with Washington."

I googled it: Girl scouts were rewarded for doing small, helpful, things. Like a star in the book - fine for children but embarrassing for an adult; this is why “The phrase seems to have been a sarcastic, backhanded compliment.”

But what about what I thought it might mean? Well, it means that too:

“The experts are agreed that the sense was given greater strength and impetus through scatological undertones, being intimately (and I use that word advisedly) associated with the older term brown-nose, for a sycophant or toady, a person who curries favor to such an extent that his nose seems to be up his superior’s backside.”