Miss Mabrouk of Egypt

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Saturday, August 27, 2005

Arab Inbreeding and Nazi Ghosts

Suzi dear, how comfortable it makes me to know that you are once again able to read my letters, as I need to bring urgent matters to your attention. Of course you remember how the Nazi's believed that biology could explain everything. That lunacy can still be noted; in some places perhaps more than others. Follow me:

Infant mortality rates are twice as high among Israeli Arabs as among Israeli Jews, according to FrontPage Magazine who are referring to a report by the Israel Medical Association Journal. One of three contributing factors is diseases resulting from inbreeding. FrontPage adds that inbreeding is typical for the Arab worlds and produces a theory of their own :
… psychology recognizes genetic components in many psychological problems including criminality. … a region where inbreeding is rife … should also have a greater frequency of such mental ailments. … the high levels of social pathology, violence, and terrorism in the Arab world suggest that inbreeding is one of the causes.

Attempts to “reform of the Arab world” should shift focus from religion and politics to reducing inbreeding. It “could contribute more to helping the Arab world overcome its problems than strictly political reforms for which it may not be ready.”

Genetically speaking, according to this writer, the “Arab world” is not capable of organizing political institutions. That is fascism.

It would also be fascism if I would claim that since Jews can only marry Jews and since the Jewish livestock were nearly exterminated in the Holocaust, the Jewish gene pool has obviously been exhausted; and that this explains the irrational policies of all Israel’s governments.

Disgusting, is it not? When shall these people learn that we are perfectly aware of our problematic political situation and the problems that haunt the developing world? It is so easy, yet so difficult for some. I will not bother taking sides in the larger political conflict behind this article; it is enough to notice that FrontPage are not part of the solution; this attempt to avoid the real issues is merely a sign of desperation.

Edit: The original headline "Arab Inbreeding and Jewish Nazis" assumed that FrontPage/its writer either are or are representing Jewish people. Sloppy writing, angry thinking. Now changed.