Miss Mabrouk of Egypt

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Saturday, August 27, 2005

The Bliss of Polygamy – Woman says

Suzi love,
I am impressed by this lady, Mrs. Hayam Dorbek, who is begging her husband to marry again. And again.

“My Son is helping me to promote the idea,” she says. I do not blame him for seeking an additional mother; Dorbek is a busy woman who says she is also too busy for her man.

She goes on TV to tell people to be more open-minded. In return, she is accused for turning Egypt into a Saudi Arabia. Her pro-polygamy campaign is not based on Islam; she considers it a women’s right issue to marry a married man. She argues families will be saved because of less divorces. There would also be fewer spinsters in Egypt, an issue with a stigma.

I do not approve of polygamy myself but this is a courageous stance. Polygamy is legal in this country. Adultery is not. Polygamy is sanctioned by Islam, sleeping around is punishable. So how come so many people are prefering an affair? (Don’t be shy; you know it is as common as dates in a palm tree garden). Polygamy is the less hypocritical option. What Mrs. Dorbek is doing is actually no more than asking her society move forward and to live up to the principles it adheres to on the way. She is modern, in a way.

Now to the Polygamy Pundit:
Protest in Benin when a new law prohibits polygamy. “This law allows women to dominate society,” taxi driver says.
This guy has tamed all his wives. “At least I don’t chase up girls or commit adultery,” 60-year old housemaster says.
The Jihad-factor: Why Polygamy makes terrorists – or not. By me.

EDIT: Another version of the Dorbek story.