Miss Mabrouk of Egypt

Check the archives too - a lot of good stuff to enjoy. Me myself? Off to new adventures in the blogosphere, if time permits.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Bloggers Pushing Limits of Dissent?

Egypt's bloggers are leading anti-government protests, says this piece in a publication that otherwise has provided very good reporting on Egypt recently. There is a group of bloggers in Arabic, yes, but from where I am sitting, SMS, calls, e-mails are still dominating (by far) the communication from the movement for change. I'll qualify that: I do not know how many people inside Egypt are reading those blogs. Since the reporter's sources are referring to Egyptians abroad, that is probably where the larger influence is. The reporter is also reffering to a proposed candle-vigil demonstration by a group of friendly English-language bloggers; a link that (at least from my desktop) appear to be calling apples pears if you are discussing who are leading the opposition for change. Commenting, yes. Leading, no. Prove me wrong. h/t: Abu Aardvark