Miss Mabrouk of Egypt

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Thursday, August 25, 2005

Chopping Juan Cole and Jewish Dicks

“Steven Vincent’s Wife Strikes Back” was the topic of a discussion on Sandmonkey’s recently, sparked by a letter from the widow of the assassinated Iraq-blogger/journalist to Juan Cole (Informed Comment), who had published a controversial note on Vincent’s death. What was left of Juan Coles credibility is now removed by Mark Kleiman, says Andrew Sullivan and I tend to agree.

Andrew moves on to the subject of Male Genital Mutilation and what different chopping techniques makes for love life in the Jewish nation. Quoting this below, I can only say that although I, as a matter of course, have been spared -ahem- from anything but a modest few first hand experiences on the subject, it seems the Israeli’s are doing something wrong that we, thank God, do not:
I have seen some hospital-circumcised guys with whom I would never want to trade equipment - on aesthetic grounds, and projecting what sex must be like for them.