Miss Mabrouk of Egypt

Check the archives too - a lot of good stuff to enjoy. Me myself? Off to new adventures in the blogosphere, if time permits.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Desert Hero Caught with Tramp in Kitchen

Sandmonkey never fails to hit the right button with a lady. Too sweet of him to think of me while he’s around town working his angles and hustling free drinks from the casinos while soliciting honest people to program cracky pop-up windows. Love him too much. Since you’re over here, let me give you one true to his spirit:

Dooce got an e-mail from her cousin: “You realize that you are the number 11, and I am the number 13 on the list of sites that come up when people search for ‘sex kitchen girl’ on Yahoo.” Her first reaction: “11? WHAT AM I DOING WRONG? Must mention sex and kitchen and girl more often. Also, more boots, more anus, and more bathroom floor while I’m at it.”

I wouldn’t even think about googling the same search terms +sandmonkey.

Back to business: Check out his brownie-point alert re. media and ‘polling’ the election. Blog-award of the day, no joking.

PS: I did the search. My name appeared too.