Miss Mabrouk of Egypt

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Thursday, September 01, 2005

Egypt Leading Buyer of Weapons

Egypt Deemed Leading Buyer of Weapons
… Egypt has become the third largest buyer of weapons over the last four years. … Egypt purchased $6.5 billion worth of weapons from 2000 to 2004.

India Becomes Developing World's Top Arms Buyer
The United States once again topped the trade with developing states. … 66 percent were in the Near East, including sales to Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Oman, Israel and the United Arab Emirates. … Saudi Arabia ranked second among developing world arms buyers last year … and China was third…

U.S. Tops Listing of Weapons Sales to Nations
The total worldwide value of all agreements to sell arms last year was close to $37 billion, and nearly 59% of the agreements were to sell weapons to developing nations…