Miss Mabrouk of Egypt

Check the archives too - a lot of good stuff to enjoy. Me myself? Off to new adventures in the blogosphere, if time permits.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

The Arab Crime Against Humanity

Every time Arab columnists at Asharq Alawsat doesn't restrain themselves I jump with joy. Why is it that the most important questions are not debated, instead assumed to be something we can deal with later when times are better (as if they will)? And no, I'm not saying the US or Europe are not worse or the worst, just that we need the issu of environment on our agenda as well. Money Quote:
The more I visit the capitals of the Arab world, the more I believe that a conspiracy against mankind exists that is planned and carried out in that region. ... The conspiracy is against life and an eerie silence surrounds the plot. The conspiracy targets the environment, after the Arab cities have become refuge to clouds of pollution. Arabs now fear the water of their rivers...

Our homes will turn into graveyards, and our rivers into swamps. ... a major crime will have been committed against our children and against those who are still in the wombs of their mothers!