Miss Mabrouk of Egypt

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Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Fresh Troops Hunt Terrorists in Sinai

Battle for Sinai: The hunt has resumed after the troop withdrew last week, following the death of three high ranking officers. Here's what super-Israeli Debka can report:

The new force is commanded by interior minister Gen. Mohammed Sharawi who takes the place of Maj. Gen Mahmoud Adel and Lt. Col. Omar Abdel-Moneim, whose death in bomb traps last week halted the pursuit for nearly a week. A third Sinai casualty revealed now was General Salah Sharbini. The new deployment consists of 22 task forces, including military engineers. Their job is to sweep the mountain trails and caves for bomb devices and mines of the types which have accounted for the destruction of 22 Egyptian armored vehicles.

Interior minister?

Edit: "Programmer Craig noted something I didn't: "22 armored vehicles destroyed! If that's true, there's been a lot more going on in Sinai than what was reported!" - from the comment forum.