Miss Mabrouk of Egypt

Check the archives too - a lot of good stuff to enjoy. Me myself? Off to new adventures in the blogosphere, if time permits.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Michael Yon is Playing War

I keep looking in at Michael Yon's "Online Magazine" since he is reputed to provide first hand insight from the battles in Iraq. There's gotta be a sandstorm or, I forgot to take off my Burqa although it is only me in the house, because something is clouding my eyes -- or his. Last week:
For more than a week, I've been trying to finish the Battle for Mosul Part IV. Meanwhile, the battle for Mosul is still on. Writing about this war takes a back seat to living it. Yesterday, for instance, there was fighting and one of our brother units lost a young soldier in battle.

This week:
Often I am asked to withhold information due to the immediate sensitivty. And so, I never release the slightest hint. But then somebody in Baghdad--three steps removed from the action here in Mosul-- releases it to CNN and the rest of the world.

It is not an Online Magazine because it doesn't have any stories and he barely tell us anything significant from day to day. Please, enough "I'm so caught up in the real deal so everybody else gets the story before me although they weren't there but I'm working on this really big thing." Catch the day, tell us what you see and please don't expect we'll be interested in part V-X of a battle we hardly will remember by the time you've managed to pick up your thoughts from where you left them.