Miss Mabrouk of Egypt

Check the archives too - a lot of good stuff to enjoy. Me myself? Off to new adventures in the blogosphere, if time permits.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

The Way it is Tonight

Here's a gem: the Guardian/Observer interviews legendary news anchor Walter Cronkite, 88, who covered WWII, Kennedy's death, man's first step on the moon - and the rest. Money Quote:
In 1968, Cronkite's unusually personal report on the Tet offensive was credited with swaying American public opinion towards pulling troops out of Vietnam. President Lyndon Johnson, watching in the White House, was apparently heard to say: 'If I've lost Cronkite, I've lost Middle America.' (The broadcaster has since quipped: 'I was a little offended when I heard that. I considered that if he lost me he must have lost all of America').