Miss Mabrouk of Egypt

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Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Police Clash with Demonstrators

The police clashed with a group of 30 demonstrators, most of them mothers, wives and children to political detainees. Security sources and protestors told AFP two were injured. A child was hit in the eye and another child with heart problems were injured in the back.

I was not there, but I think the conscripted police troops are regretting the injuries to the children as much as anyone else. Tell me I am wrong, until then I will remain convinced no harm was intended.

The protest were organized by the immediate families to some of the between 16,000 to 30,000 political prisoners in Egypt. Imagine the scene if all their children, wives and parents would take to the street. Only 30 showed up; is that due to anything but fear of further problems? Link.